
Let's get back to the Mother Nature for healing Eczma!

I watched a TV program in which they showed a few of severe Eczma patients. In it they showed the before and after video recordings of these 10 and 12 year old kids and it just blew me away. These kids were hurting so bad they formed a thick red layer of cracked and dry skins around the back of the knees, neck arms and etc. Their classmates didn't want to sit near them, they were constantly made fun of, and they couldn't go to sleep because they were itching so badly day and night. In this study, they wanted to emphasize the importance of the hidden healing power of being around the nature. To prove their point, they took these kids for few months into the woods and had them stay and live there, breathing fresh air. The results were amazing. Within 5 months, their dry skins were pretty much gone and the redness almost healed. Their attitude got brighter and much less reserve. After bringing the kids back to city, the parents changed the wallpaper and the flooring material to that contains natural wood material and the healing continued.

From watching this TV program, I decided to give it a try with Joshua's Eczma. So today I took him to the El Dorado Nature Center in Long Beach, and was pleasantly surprised that there was such place in the middle of LB.